20th october 2016Milan, FieraMilanocitySyskoplan Reply, InEssence Reply and Portaltech Reply take part in SAP Forum, as Diamond Partner and Platinum Partner of the event. SAP Forum is an annual gathering focused on current and future topics related to Business Innovation and Digital Transformation within the SAP world. During the day, Reply is represented with 2 specific speech:Syskoplan Reply holds the speech “"Internet of Things" dalla teoria alla pratica. Un esempio reale di sperimentazione in ambito Manutenzione Predittiva.”, a ready to use solution with wireless sensors network developed entirely on SAP technology, Gateway Iot and SAP Hana Cloud Platform.Portaltech Reply focuses on sales and distributions of products across all channels Omnichannel Commerce with in-dept analysis on platforms on different markets. Title of the session is “SAP hybris e Industries Solution. Omnichannel e Commerce: Casi Food, eGrocery e Travel” and during the session Portaltech Reply shows successful case studies already developed and concrete best practices.For further information and to register:SAP Forum Milan 2016