Tatiana Rizzante 

Chief Executive Officer, Reply 


Tatiana Rizzante is the CEO of Reply and serves on its Board of Directors. 

Tatiana is one of the founding members of Reply. In Reply’s early years, she handled the creation and development of competencies in the most innovative technology fields, such as value-added services for telcos, new media and new digital channels. 

Over the years, Tatiana’s role has grown to cover ever-increasing responsibilities within the Group, now assuming direct responsibility for various lines of business. 

In 2006, as a result of her vast experience in Innovation Management, she was made Chief Executive Officer, becoming responsible for the full range of services offered by the Group and for building the Reply presence in Europe, US, Brazil and China. 

Before joining Reply, she worked for CSELT (today Tlab) where she carried out testing and research on technologies and Internet services to the public. 

Since February 2020, Tatiana has held the position of independent council member at GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.a. and in April 2022 she was made independent council member at Borsa Italiana. 

In February 2023, Tatiana has been appointed Councillor of the Anitec-Assinform General Council. 

Tatiana earned a master’s degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin.