White Paper

Blockchain and Quantum Computing, friends or enemies?

Why is the Blockchain secure?

A distributed and encrypted digital register, simultaneously accessible by the participants, which allows data recording, validation, updating and archiving. Data remains unalterable, unchangeable and non-replicable.

Blockchain is by now considered mainstream technology, and above all, intrinsically safe: a shared and cryptographically protected data structure that enables a revolutionary trust creation mechanism that, in a network logic, falls directly upon users thanks to its technological architecture.

The platforms that use the technologies

of encryption are vulnerable

to Quantum Computing

What would happen to the Trust Machine if current knowledge were disrupted by new algorithms or new computers with computing capabilities that go beyond “traditional” computer science, capable of solving even the factoring of very large integers in a few weeks, “in the space of one night”, if not within a few minutes?

The rush to Quantum Computing

Although, in some ways, Quantum Computing is still a frontier issue, there are several studies that estimate that in a few years, it will be possible to have sufficiently stable, mature and powerful hardware, which exploits the laws of quantum mechanics and can be used for processing that is unthinkable with standard computers.

According to some researchers, the affirmation of this technology will be definitive when quantum computers will reach at least 1000 qubits stable, with high fidelity gates. Google is currently the closest to the goal, with its 72 qubit Bristlecone processor, but the Californian giant is not alone.

However, Blockchain can still be a reliable and safe technology even in the era of Quantum Supremacy. To preserve it, it must be re-designed in a post-quantum perspective with a sense of responsibility and foresight.

Where Reply can make

the difference

For over two years, Reply has been working with multidisciplinary teams, exclusively dedicated to Quantum Computing, to develop quantum algorithms and translate some machine learning algorithms into quantum optics.

Reply adds its consolidated experience in the finance arena to its expertise in Quantum Computing, as it pertains to the use of Blockchain applications and the hardening of security, in order to support, prepare and prime its Customers for the advent of the quantum revolution.