Operational risk has matured as a topic since it became an integral part of financial institutions’ risk management. New regulatory requirements are being developed and are expected to contribute to the already-heavy regulatory burden faced by banks. This is compounded by a number of organisational change projects.
Responding to these challenges, Avantage Reply is supporting risk departments in consolidating existing operational risk management frameworks and developing capability to handle changes.
Avantage Reply provides a number of operational risk services, assisting financial institutions in building and developing their operational risk toolkits, as well as supporting ongoing activities, including:
1- Implementing methodologies for identifying, assessing, monitoring and reporting operational risk (RCSAs, KRIs, scenario analysis, etc.);
2- Developing end-to-end Pillar 2 capital calculation for operational risk;
3- Assisting banks in developing forward-looking methodologies (e.g. stress testing) to assess areas for improvement in the operational risk environment;
4- Achieving compliance with current and forthcoming operational risk regulations; and
5- Reviewing and building on outsourcing oversight and governance frameworks.