
Google Cloud Summit Offenbach 2024

Reply is looking forward to seeing you at the Google Cloud Summit 2024 in Offenbach. Come and experience firsthand AI and Cloud technologies up close and explore insightful sessions.

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12 de junho de 2024
10:00 - 19:00

Accelerate digital transformation with cloud innovation

At the Google Cloud Summit, you will get the chance to discover how AI and cloud technologies can transform your business. We at Reply are thrilled to take part in delivering keynote speeches and hosting booths. Thanks to numerous talks taking place on four stages, you can delve into a wide range of topics and focus individually on the areas that are most important to your industry – from AI-driven business optimization to cybersecurity.Your future in the cloud begins now. Don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate and co-create with Reply, with our expertise in cloud technology we can revolutionize your organization digital strategy into new heights.

Engage directly with Google Cloud leaders, industry experts, and over 1,000 cloud enthusiasts. Hear success stories firsthand, explore hands-on demos, and expand your network with valuable contacts that can help elevate your competitive edge.
Your future in the cloud begins now. Don’t miss the opportunity to co-create with Reply. With our expertise in cloud technology, we can revolutionize your organization digital strategy into new heights.

Reply Speakers Sessions

SAP + Google Gemini:
Digital Human for the Future of Sales.

Our experts will present how you can optimize sales processes, strengthen customer relationships, and boost revenue with the help of Google Gemini as a digital human in the SAP world. 

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