White Paper

The promise and
potential of 5G

5G is the latest mobile network which is currently being deployed worldwide, stimulating many interesting discussions about the technology and its use cases. It has promised an increase in wealth creation opportunities due to its ability to provide wider network coverage, reliable network connections and faster data transfer.

The “Internet of Everything” society

The technological evolutions currently under way are leading us towards a society in which objects are increasingly smarter and more autonomous. In this context, connectivity between objects and between objects and systems in the cloud must become increasingly more pervasive, immediate and reliable.

5G is not just a new way of connecting, it is a set of mobile technologies that enable previously unimplementable use cases with existing networks. To make the most of the potential brought by 5G technologies in the near future, it is necessary to understand how it works today. Indeed, not all the features introduced by 5G will be available immediately: different providers will make them available at different times.

Finding your way in the 5G realm

Technologies that are the building blocks of 5G networks can be grouped into three main categories, typically represented by the following triangle.


Extreme Mobile BroadBand (xMBB)

Provides very high data speeds and extreme coverage. xMBB is designed to offer a more consistent experience across the coverage area and limited performance degradation as the number of users increases. xMBB will also support reliable communications, e.g. National Security and Public Safety (NSPS).

Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC)

Provides wireless connectivity for tens of billions of very simple, network-enabled devices. Scalable connectivity designed for an increasing number of devices, an efficient transmission of small payloads, coverage of large areas and deep penetration: these are the key elements that take precedence over data speeds alone.

Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (uRLLC)

Provides ultra-reliable communication links and low latency for network services with extreme availability, latency and reliability requirements, e.g. V2X communication and industrial manufacturing applications. Reliability and low latency take priority over data speeds.

How can Reply support you

Reply’s goal is to become a point of reference for a real and rapid development of projects and services based on the 5G network. Reply is actively working on the most relevant 5G business opportunities primarily focusing its attention on analysing the impact of 5G on different industries and designing different Use Cases for PoC or Trials to offer its customers. Some of the use cases currently being analysed include comprehensive live streaming solutions, Smart Grids, Telecare, IIoT solutions, Mobile Robots, Autonomous Cars, and AGVs.