The latest report published by MobileIron has revealed that close to 80% of businesses are currently deploying over 10 different mobile enterprise apps as part of their regular business practices.
This report is entitled the ‘Mobile Security and Risk Review’, and is the third annual one that MobileIron has published. The research also discovered that around 18% of all the enterprises surveyed were deploying the Volume Purchase Program from Apple to ensure that their app usage was more streamlined. Those business sectors that have the highest rates of VPP usage are government (25%) and, higher still, healthcare (29%).
Furthermore, the report also reveals that the Device Enrolment Program (DEP) is currently being used by 13% of the companies spoken to, with this solution providing them with greater levels of corporate mobile fleet control. It lets them place restrictions that are tighter on their supervised, corporate-owned devices, with 22% of companies in the healthcare sector deploying DEP.
According to this report, Pulse Secure, Adobe Acrobat, Concur, AnyConnect and Webex are the five most used mobile enterprise apps. MobileIron’s lead security architect, James Plouffe, summarised: “This edition of the Mobile Security and Risk Review shows that apps are not only critical to business, but that employees around the world rely on these tools for parts of their jobs that were once relegated to the desktop, such as presentations and spreadsheets.”
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