Case Study

Le Caveau

WHY DOES AND ORGANIZATION INVEST IN AN INTRANET? There are several purposes that move companies to undertake a path towards the adoption of an Intranet: centralized management of documents, simplification of research, better communication of mission and values, spread of the corporate mission and digitalization of workflows from paper practices to totally digital processes.  The main goal is to make available to employees a space where they can find information, tools and services useful for daily activities. 

TOWARDS THE FIRST INTRANET: AN APPROACH THAT PUTS THE USER AT THE CENTER Crédit Agricole Assurances Italia Group - consisting of three companies Crédit Agricole Vita, Crédit Agricole Assicurazioni, Stelvio Agenzia Assicurativa - asked TamTamy Reply for support to design the first Group Intranet, to create a simple and intuitive tool, able to improve work activities and respond to the strategic vision.  First challenge: from zero to Intranet in five months. 

To obtain quick results and objective decisions in order to achieve the goal shortly, we have designed a 4-step path that involved the stakeholders and users right from the start of the project. 

  • Discovery (stakeholder interview, survey, content & tool inventory)
  • Define
  • Design
  • Development & UAT

The opinions gathered during the stakeholders interview revealed the main expectations and needs regarding the new Intranet.   The survey, shared with the company population, confirmed the direction allowing us to define the main pillars of the project.   The content & tool inventory allowed us to have an overview of the macro areas that have to be present on the Intranet and to design simplified access to commonly access information. The data collected in the Discovery phase, once analyzed, offered us the basis for defining the information architecture and for working on the creative idea.  Finally, the development phase was followed by the User acceptance tests, which once again saw the involvement of the stakeholders and the editorial staff who were given the keys to their new spaces.  

LE CAVEAU: A SAFE AND ACCESSIBLE TAILOR-MADE BOX On Le CAveau you can read the latest news, search for documents and forms and sharing experiences and updates with colleagues on the Social Wall and within the community.  Link and applications are always easy search  in "My desk" section on the Home page and can be customized by each user according to needs, adding and replacing favorite tools whenever necessary.  Le CAveau is even more useful thanks to the presence of the Resource Center: a single area dedicated to host documents and form, organized by categories and labels and easily searchable. A first big step toward employee experience

CRÉDIT AGRICOLE Crédit Agricole is a French banking-insurance, international in character and leader in its sector.  The European presence of the Group is in 52 countries with over 140.000 employees and more than 50.000 consultants supporting over 52 millions customers.  Today the Group is the 1st European operator in asset management. In Italy, the leadership of the banking-insurance Group is  managed by Crédit Agricole Italia, whose insurance branch is led by Crédit Agricole Assurances Italia, which is made-up by three large insurance companies: Crédit Agricole Vita, Crédit Agricole Assicurazioni and Stelvio Agenzia Assicurativa.  The latest figures show a constantly growing reality, with the progressive clim of the Group into the Top10 of the Global Insurance Market, where today the CA Assurances Group Italia is in 11th position in the world rankings and in 1st position as Bank-insurance leader in Europe.  A solid company, aware of the need to invest in people's talents to achieve what is presented as one of the Group's key objectives: to become a world leader in the banking-insurance sector. 

TAMTAMY REPLY TamTamy Reply is the company of the Reply group specialized in the design, implementation and integration of solutions dedicated to digital communities. Since 2007 it has worked in various contexts and market sectors, creating enterprise social networks, platforms of social learning and social intranets and introducing the digital workplace within companies, taking advantage of the social networking platform. TamTamy Reply offers a consulting service dedicated to the design of digital communication initiatives, to community and content management, to the definition of internal corporate communication strategies, to the creation of launch campaigns and interactive online events.