Case Study

Vodafone YouLearn

Digitization conveys and encourages the adoption of new ways of working. Also it strongly affects the new ways of learning and using training contents: microlearning modules, use of contents in multi device mode, interactive and adaptive quizzes, guarantee continuous and fast updates also ensuring the sharing of feedback on the modules themselves. Benefits and company programs sensitive to the multiple aspects of the employee experience , are transformed into a competitive lever to bring the latest learning technologies within companies.
This is the case of YouLearn: Vodafone Italia's online platform for internal training, created by TamTamy that stimulates interactions and collaborative approaches, making learning modular based on professional and even personal needs. Through the organization of periodic Jam Sessions , on YouLearn each employee can participate in real time, in online discussions on topics of common interest with industry experts. The quality of the training provided to employees, the recruiting and talent development strategy are, as reported by Corriere delle Comunicazioni , the reasons that have allowed Vodafone Italia to be recognized, for the second consecutive year among the Top Employer certified companies. Following the most relevant activities that led to the achievement of the result, it is required to pay attention to the use of digital technologies focused on the centrality of the employee. For over twenty-five years, the Top Employers Institute has certified, by analyzing the main aspects of the HR field, the best companies globally that stand out for their excellent working conditions.

TAMTAMY REPLY TamTamy Reply is the company of the Reply group specialized in the design, implementation and integration of solutions dedicated to digital communities. Since 2007 it has worked in various contexts and market sectors, creating enterprise social networks, platforms of social learning and social intranets and introducing the digital workplace within companies, taking advantage of the social networking platform. TamTamy Reply offers a consulting service dedicated to the design of digital communication initiatives, to community and content management, to the definition of internal corporate communication strategies, to the creation of launch campaigns and interactive online events.