


Best Practice

Managing environmental impacts as a pillar of the Energy Transition

We are witnessing a progressive increase in the need to adapt processes, organisations and systems in order to support the launch of important energy transformation programmes along the entire value chain. Reply supports operators in the Energy & Utilities sector with an integrated approach for the introduction of energy policies in line with global objectives.

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Best Practice

Expertise for Energy Transition

Within the Energy and Utilities industry, a very rapid change is taking place, driven by climate change and environmental degradation. Sense Reply offers a complete set of competencies in order to successfully support the evolution of the Energy & Utilities sector towards decarbonization.

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blockchain technology

Best Practice

Blockchain Technology in the Energy & Utilities industry

Blockchain technology can play a leading role in the digitisation and in the sustainable renewal processes of the Energy & Utilities sector, contributing to the transition towards more efficient business models with a greater degree of automation.

Discover more about the opportunities for blockchain technology in the Energy & Utilities industry

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Internet of Energy

The Internet of Things represents an essential building block for the Energy & Utilities sector transformation. Sense Reply is the Reply Group specialist in IoT end-to-end solutions enabling new energy services, business process and business model transformation in any section of the Energy & Utilities value chain.


Internet of Energy 0


Best Practice

Smart Metering and Energy Smart Home

Sense Reply designs and implements new IoT Smart Metering solutions based on the components of the AWS platform, to collect data and manage second generation electricity, gas and water smart meters in their respective distribution networks.

New Business Processes

Best Practice

Defining the IoT Strategy

Today, companies can rethink their business model taking advantage of an entirely new set of processes enabled by IoT Technologies: Things-to-things, Human-to-things, AI-to-things. Discover how you will imagine, design and implement your new business processes with Sense Reply's support.


Best Practice

Edge Computing

The Industry 4.0 and Enterprise 4.0 paradigms require the integration of a powerful and effective Edge Computing capability in order to most effectively deploy the computational power and connectivity to the business processes. Discover how Sense Reply can support clients in defining, implementing and managing the challenges relating to the edge computing capability by leveraging the potential of AWS Solutions.

IoT Solutions

Best Practice

Industry 4.0 and Energy Management

Factories, Office Buildings, Large Shops and even the smaller Offices and Homes are becoming smart with the installation of sensors and the adoption of connected products. Discover Sense Reply's approach and IoT solutions for Energy Management as a starting point towards the Smart Factory, Smart Building and Smart Home.

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Best Practice

Enabling IoT Platforms

AWS, together with represent the perfect environment for the implementation of the new Business Processes. On-demand, limitless capabilities and a vast set of ready-to-use components provide a comprehensive and cost-effective IoT platform with everything you may need. Discover Sense Reply's vision for the perfect, future-proof IoT plaftform.