Automate billing calculation and monitor warehouse logistic costs.



Click Reply™ Warehouse Billing is the solution that allows you to automatically manage warehouse operational cost calculations based on contractual arrangements and pricing models shared between Customer and Logistic Service Provider, in relation to the activities actually carried out. This is a process often dealt with by manual procedures using unmonitored tools, which do not guarantee data security or its authentication. AUTOMATION & OBJECTIFICATIONA significant waste of time and resources is hidden within logistic cost control. This does not generate value and hinders revenue and efficiency growth.
Common issues are found in: cost allocation based on generic assumptions; manual data entry causing loss of time and money; expensive data monitoring on spreadsheets; unsuitable real cost control procedures lacking in analytics and forecasting tools.
Click Reply™ Warehouse Billing solution meets the need for a specially designed system to efficiently and effectively detect and control warehouse costs in order to flexibly and efficiently fulfil specific needs and offer support in the intricacies often encountered in cost structures and pricing models.
Thanks to Click Reply™ Warehouse Billing you will be able to meticulously and objectively automatise warehouse cost calculation procedures - based on contractual requirements and pricing models shared with your Logistic Service Provider - and the activities actually carried out BENEFITSClick Reply™ Warehouse Billing enables you to obtain the following benefits:
time saving, compared to manual data entry and data verification and validation among the parties involved
traceability of all activities carried out and their contractual cost
flexibility in defining contractual and pricing structures
adaptability to contractual, pricing and logistic service model variations
accuracy in cost calculation and analysis for each site, depositor, LSP, contract, category and activity
real-time availability of total costs while carrying out warehouse activities
full visibility of costs and of services provided, also based on historical data





Modelling is the Click Reply™Warehouse Billing feature which defines all the rules that automatically assign the right rate to every specific warehouse activity carried out that is subject to cost determination.​



​The warehouse activity flow is captured by means of this fe​ature and is automatically associated to the correct contracts according to the defined modelling structure. This allows real time visibility of the value of incurred costs.​​



This feature is dedicated to the statistical analysis of incurred costs and offers a set of reports that can be generated according to specific criteria requested by the user, such as: period, LSP, cost category, activity, sub-activity, contract, cost centre, bill, etc.​