18-19 May 2011 Bentivoglio (BO) – Centro Congressi Zanhotel & Meeting Centergross
@logistics Reply participated to Global Logistics’ 16th edition, that took place on 18 and 19 May at the Centro Congressi Zanhotel & Meeting Centergross in Bentivoglio, Bologna.
Global Logistics combined the best elements of conventions, trade shows, pre-organised one-on-one meetings, professional theme conferences and networking events, and provided an ideal platform to discover, investigate and assess solutions and services for the optimization of Logistics and Supply Chain.
@logistics Reply took part to the conferences of the first day, from 12:00 to 12:30, with a presentation titled "The pay-per-use model in software: @logistics Reply’’s Software-as-a-Service WMS offering". The speech focused on the diffusion of the "pay-per-use" model for the fruition of services in several fields, including that of WMS.
For further information: Global Logistics