User Experience

Like Reply helps increase loyalty and conversions

Creating personalized user experiences

The mission of keeping customers engaged and securing their attention, has made personalized experiences indispensable for any company's marketing strategy. From email communication, website content to social media, consumers are now expecting personalized content and targeted ads almost everywhere. UX designers, researchers, and marketers are challenged in creating personalized experiences for all kinds of users who interact with a company's products and services. Supporting clients in defining the right personalized approach for their contacts is one of the main services that Like Reply offers. There are four key steps that each company should consider when defining personalized user experiences for themselves.

Four steps to a personalized user experience

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    1. Defining goals and strategy as a brand

    What defines the brand?
    How should it be perceived?
    What are the key KPIs that need to be achieved?
    What does personalization mean for the brand as well as for the business?

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    2. Understanding audience and their personalization needs

    Personalization can be provided everywhere: in products, services, and communication. What do customers need most and how can this be aligned with overall goals and KPIs?

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    3. Defining pilot use cases

    Define the most relevant use cases; prioritize them based on complexity of implementation and user relevance, and gather insights from this process. High-potential use cases are, for example, cart abandonment campaigns or personalized product recommendations based on specific preferences or purchase history. In combination with A/B testing, you can learn a lot about your contacts and increase conversion rates.

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    4. Continued evaluation and learning

    Most companies fail to analyze the performance of their measures in order to learn from them and improve them in the future. Optimizing small aspects can lead to better results than starting with completely new measures.

The long-term benefits of a personalized user experience

An ongoing process


Designing the user experience for a personalized customer experience is an iterative process in continuous improvement cycles. From emails and landing pages to websites: Like Reply can help create a coherent and holistic customer journey that benefits customers at every step. This allows the company to increase sales and improve customer loyalty, among other benefits.

You would like to learn more or get support in creating more detailed campaign flows?
If you are interested, feel free to contact Like Reply experts.