18 February 2016
Milan, Politecnico di Milano [Mario Negri Institute, hall A - Mariella Alberini, Via Privata Giuseppe La Masa 19]
Pay Reply, the Reply Group company specialised in the development of Digital Payments solutions, contributes to the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory's Research. The Conference for the presentation of the results of the 2015 research, promoted by Politecnico di Milano's School of Management, is an opportunity to address issues related to national and international Mobile Payment & Commerce scenarios.
During the event a summary of the main results of the 2015 Research is handed out to the guests and Marco Loro, Partner at Pay Reply, participates in an interesting roundtable with the main players in the Telco, Banking, Technology & Service market to discuss these results.
For further information: Conference for the presentation of the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory's Research