The strong digital transformation of recent years has led Online Banking to become the key channel
for accessing banking services. In particular, with the increased adoption of smartphones, the mobile
scenario has become an important vector of innovation and opportunities.
Mobile Apps have become the main point of contact between the bank and its customers, the entry
point for consultation activities (balance display, movements) but also for banking operations (bank
transfers, top-ups and various payments).
With Iriscube Reply as exclusive development partner, Intesa Sanpaolo's Mobile Banking App has
steadily gained popularity: since 2018, active users have grown, exceeding 7 million logins/month,
thus underlining the success of the product.
Starting from the end of 2020, Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Iriscube Reply, has started a
challenging process of revision of its App, with the aim of improving the User Experience and the
services offered to its customers.