The digital transformation process launched by Intesa Sanpaolo between 2014 and 2015 has seen the mobile channel at the heart of the project, reaching around 8 million users by 2022 and the title of Overall Digital Experience Leader among all banking apps evaluated in Europe, Middle East and Africa.


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Online Banking between innovation and opportunity

The strong digital transformation of recent years has led Online Banking to become the key channel for accessing banking services. In particular, with the increased adoption of smartphones, the mobile scenario has become an important vector of innovation and opportunities. Mobile Apps have become the main point of contact between the bank and its customers, the entry point for consultation activities (balance display, movements) but also for banking operations (bank transfers, top-ups and various payments).

With Iriscube Reply as exclusive development partner, Intesa Sanpaolo's Mobile Banking App has steadily gained popularity: since 2018, active users have grown, exceeding 7 million logins/month, thus underlining the success of the product. Starting from the end of 2020, Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Iriscube Reply, has started a challenging process of revision of its App, with the aim of improving the User Experience and the services offered to its customers.

Innovative functionalities and a completely revised user experience

Among the main interventions carried out, a set of innovative features were identified to make banking operations secure and user-friendly for customers, with an elegant and accessible user interface. The main new features introduced in the app are:

• A complete restyling of UI and UX;
• Introduction of multilingualism;
• Improved security settings and specific tips to reduce risks;
• Introduction of gamification concepts, displaying a score based on products, customer transactions and how the user interacts with the app;
• Dedicated section on mortgages and financing;
• Video Chat to interact with online branches in order to make communication with the Bank fast and secure.

Goals and results

This transformation has led Intesa Sanpaolo to achieve two prestigious awards from the US research company Forrester: in 2021 the Overall Digital Experience Leader nell’area Europa and in 2022 theOverall Digital Experience Leader nell’area EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa).
The published report, The Forrester Digital Experience Review: EMEA Mobile Banking Apps, Q2 2022, in addition to recognising digital leadership, highlighted Intesa Sanpaolo as best practice in four out of thirteen categories.

"Everyday Banking" functionalities,
For daily consultation of accounts and cards and movements.

thanks to the simplicity and accessibility of the completely redesigned navigation.

User guidance
for the interactive and contextual assistance provided to customers in carrying out transactions with the App.

Privacy and information content
for the clarity and transparency with which the App manages content related to privacy and customer permissions.

This path of excellence and positive collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and Reply has led to the opening of a challenge: to work together on the birth of a new Mobile-only digital bank.