Increase sales by helping your B2B clients in their buying journey

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Marketing Automation


Across our full spectrum of services, Open Reply has successfully worked with various well-known brands.

The New B2B Client Buying Journey

B2B prospects spend approximately two-thirds of the B2B buying journey consuming information from potential suppliers. Given that fact, your greatest competitive advantage comes from putting the right information in front of the right prospect at the right time. Prospects want simplicity. They want information they’re interested in delivered to them as easily as possible. Today you have tools for behaviour tracking. The new B2B client buying journey tracks prospect behaviour to let you personalise the content you put in front of each individual prospect.

If a prospect repeatedly visits a web page related to cost optimisation, sending this prospect more information on the subject could help further the buying journey. Better data helps you make better decisions. With marketing automation, you can see, based on prospect behaviour, where every prospect is in the sales cycle and nurture the lead along the client buying journey by providing more relevant information to their needs.

Quality leads generation

Lead generation is an important step for any business. Marketing automation allows you to generate better quality leads by automating many steps which are repetitive and manual giving more time to your marketing team to focus on crafting a robust marketing strategy. By tracking the behaviour of the visitors on your website, you can understand their interests and where they fit in the buying journey, allowing you to customise your follow-up communications based on these insights.

Lead nurturing

Guiding your leads through their buying journey is absolutely critical to convert them to sales. Marketing automation helps you to engage your leads and nurture them over a period of time addressing their needs at each stage in the buying journey. Our solution has a powerful concept of engagement program. You can set up multiple nurture streams based on investor interests and serve them content to address their questions or educate them throughout their buyer journey.

Personalise your Content

Personalised content is the key to engage with your customers and win their trust because you can show them that you are aware of their needs and care about what they want. Marketing automation simplifies the process of getting the right content to the right people at the right time. Our solution has personalisation and segmentation features that allow you to cater to the needs of your target audience in a personalised manner.

Sales and Marketing Alignment

Automating the processes between marketing and sales gives your team a proper understanding and alignment of when the lead is handed over to sales and becomes their responsibility. Our solution has a lead scoring framework that helps you to identify which leads are further up in the sales funnel and are more likely to make a purchase so you can alert your sales team to contact them. You can prioritise which leads you should call immediately as opposed to the ones that still need more time to nurture and educate about your offerings.

Make Your Vision A Reality

With the ever-growing competitive market, establishing omnipresence through consistency and depth to create a superior client buying journey is the key to online growth.
With the ever-growing competitive market, establishing omnipresence through consistency and depth to create a superior client buying journey is the key to online growth.
With Open Reply's marketing automation solution, you can speed up the process and make it easier for the prospect to choose you. Our solution will give you:

A comprehensive marketing automation solution that can meet the requirement of a complex organisation, as your business grows.
A trusted solution partner able to provide you with the full end-to-end solution looking at other aspects of your digital landscape such as your client data, client experience, CRM, with the support of the wider Reply living network.
A Team of industry and marketing automation experts making sure that your marketing team adopted fully the solution.

Previous client work

We do everything with our clients in mind - keeping them entirely in the loop, sharing knowledge, collaborating and working as one team - because together we are better.


Case Study


Centric is the BNP Paribas’ digital banking platform that offers all of BNP Paribas’ services to its Corporate and Institutional clients worldwide. In an effort to increase customer engagement and improve the onboarding experience, the Centric marketing team turned to Marketo for solutions.


Not sure where to start? Contact us and we can discuss how to approach your digital transformation

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