
Machine Learning

Data science

Best Practice

Thousands of new products: when to order and how many?

Defining the optimum quantity of the product to be ordered becomes a more complex issue whenever we are faced with a situation involving a lack of information, as is the case with a first order. It may be effective here to have a tool that can recommend the proper “sell-out” quantity, configured before the product is launched on the market.

Thousands of new products when to order and how many? 0

Best Practice

Automating defect recognition

Data Reply has developed an innovative model, based on deep learning algorithms, which can learn to automatically recognise and classify defects even when these have not been used in training the model.

09.06.2019 - 11.06.2019 / London


CogX 2019

Data Reply attended the festival of AI and emerging technology at CogX London 2019 where over 500 industry, government and academic experts cover AI's most important topic areas.