
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

17.09.2021 / AI/ML


AI: The Enabler for Superhuman Achievements

This article presents several advancements made in the field of AI, with examples such as Tesla's autonomous driving system or Deep Mind's Alpha Fold. Several breakthroughs in AI problems showcase the potential of modern AI systems, although some limitations remain present.

10.09.2021 / AI and ML


AI/ML: The next big step in the telco industry!

The telecommunication industry has seen so many advancements in the recent years. As the 5G evolution brings in new use cases, Artificial Intelligence is key to accelerate the time to market for the 5G offerings. But how is AI and ML incorporated in the telco world?

03.09.2021 / AI


The use of AI in smart drones

The rising use of AI is clear in every industry. In this article the use of AI in drones will be discussed — why we want and need it to operate on a drone, what issues do we face when trying to deploy AI on a drone and finally how can we address those identified issues, to allow reliable AI operation.