


White Paper

Clicks to Conversions with SItecore XM Cloud

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other way around.

Steve Jobs
Apple CEO


White Paper

Your Future-Proof eCommerce with ORDERCLOUD

One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.

Jeff Bezos
Amazon CEO


White Paper

Boost your eCommerce Digital Experience

We believe in a future where brands can assemble a stack as unique as their customers and business.

Dave O’Flanagan
Sitecore’s Chief Product Officer

17.10.2022 - 20.10.2022 / Chicago


Sitecore Symposium 2022

Il più grande evento dell'anno di Sitecore si tiene quest’anno a Chicago, fruibile anche in versione virtuale. Gli esperti di Cluster Reply presentano il progetto Dayco Digital Garage, che mostra come rivoluzionare un e-commerce B2B trasformandolo in un’esperienza interattiva, con un approccio end-to-end dal repository di contenuti XM a OrderCloud ed e-commerce.


Best Practice

Sitecore Website migration to Cloud

La migrazione di 12 siti web basati su Sitecore 8.2 premise a Sitecore 9.0.1 su MA Azure (Sitecore Managed Cloud).

Award, Microsoft, Azure, Sitecore, Data, Context Marketing, Customer Experience

News & Communication

Microsoft Awards - Engage Your Customers

Cluster Manufacturing riceve il Gold Award nella categoria "Engage Your Customer" all'evento di Microsoft Italy Partner Awards 2019. Cluster Reply premiata nella Digital Transformation Champ Award, si è aggiudicata così la categoria Engage Your Customers